Category Archives: Altered Crafts

Thanks Cherry Nest!


A  Blessed 2012!

I hope you had a blast  celebrating the holiday season!  As 2011 ended,  I also bid goodbye to a great scrapbooking digital/hybrid site who believed in me and got me as one of their Design Team members, my heartfelt thanks to Cherry Nest!  You really challenged me to make out of the box creations.  Thanks to Elina, the owner and designer, you are really a very talented one!   I enjoyed my stint! 

Here are the rest of the projects I made for them:


They are having a DT Call right now.   Deadline for submission is on January 15, 2012.  For more details, please visit their blog here

Goodluck Cherry Nest and more power to you!

A Card, a Notepad & a Recipe Box!


I’m not really into card making and altered art but being a member of a Design Team lets you explore outside your comfort zone.  Here are my recent projects at Cherry Nest and I must say I enjoyed making these:



A RECIPE BOX (Altered Tin Can):

From this…

 To this…

Hopefully, I can make more “out of the box” projects using Cherry Nest digital yummy goodies.  I’ll be more than happy for your suggestions and I’m sure I’ll get more inspiration from your works too.  So do let me know, I’d love to hear from you and/or see your works!